Summer Season

It’s hard to believe that we completed on the house just over a year ago. We headed back to the UK shortly afterwards for a couple of months to get things sorted there so this is really our first full summer at the house. We may be out in the sticks here without the glitz… Continue reading Summer Season

Entente Cordiale

For about 8 years I’ve been involved in an adult Anglo-French exchange group based around Tunbridge Wells in the UK and Cestas, south of Bordeaux, in France. The exchange group has been going for over 25 years now with some members involved for all of that time and others joining more recently. Participants are paired… Continue reading Entente Cordiale

Spring Break

Spring has well and truly sprung here and fruit trees are in blossom, bulbs are flowering and we are surrounded by bright yellow fields of rapeseed. Joe has been mowing parts of the land every few days and there are jobs to be done in some area of the garden every day. It will be… Continue reading Spring Break