Well we’ve now signed our lives away on a house in France and it’s all a bit frightening! So first of all a bit about the house and area. During our travels in France over the past 4 years we’ve kept being drawn back to the Lot valley and surrounding areas and imagining what it… Continue reading A new house
Category: Uncategorized
Tréguier stopover
In July we spent all of our nights at campsites or serviced aires so we decided to get back to a few more off-grid stops. Excluding July, we’ve spent about 40% of our nights at self-sufficient off-grid free locations (without electricity, water or waste facilities) and it’s something we’d like to increase for future trips.… Continue reading Tréguier stopover
Lakes and new toys
We really enjoyed our time at locations along various rivers last year and being able to kayak, paddle board and go on boat trips. As part of our planning for this year we looked into getting our own boats – inflatables – that we could transport in the trailer whilst in transit and in the… Continue reading Lakes and new toys
A visitor joins us
It’s been a busy and very enjoyable couple of days as Joe’s long-standing motorcycling friend, Andy, joined us at the campsite for a few days and very kindly brought the sunshine with him. On the first full day of his visit we walked to Ilfracombe along the old railway route to do a boat trip… Continue reading A visitor joins us